Dear Reserve Deputy Sheriffs,
I hope this email finds you and your family well as we are living in unique times during the coronavirus pandemic. As we are all doing our part to take the appropriate precautions to mitigate the spread and transmission of Coronavirus (COVID-19) we would like to share with you some important updates regarding our Reserve Deputy Association.
At this time, I am sure you have many questions regarding our upcoming Annual Swearing-in Dinner, we are grateful and appreciate your patience as we go through this challenging time together. Due to the current circumstances and in accordance with the State of Emergency declared by Governor Baker, our event scheduled for April 18th will be postponed.We are currently in the process of working with Julian Edleman’s representatives to secure a new date in the future.
If you have already purchased your dinner tickets, please hold on to them as they are still valid. In the event due to the Coronavirus we are unable to reschedule, your dinner payment will be fully refunded. Please continue to mail your annual dues for your membership. Once received, your commission packet along with your new Reserve Deputy ID, auto decal and commission will be mailed directly to you. More information regarding the Swearing-in Dinner will be forthcoming in the near future. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this process.
In light of the challenging times we are in, the Worcester County Reserve Deputy Sheriff’s Association will possibly, in the future, provide assistance to the community in response to COVID-19. At this moment, we are not activating any of our Reserve Deputies. This is a proactive measure should state or community leaders request our assistance. First and foremost at this time, please continue to follow CDC and Massachusetts Department of Public Health Guidelines in regards to Coronavirus (COVID-19):
2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
We emphatically state Reserve Deputies who fall into the high-risk categories as defined by the Centers for Disease Control including but not limited to – older adults, people who have serious chronic medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and lung disease, you are at greater risk of severe illness from COVID-19, please do not offer to volunteer.
As this is preliminary, there is no further information regarding specific volunteer efforts. We are engaging with community leaders to assess the future needs in our community.
If you are a Reserve Deputy and are not considered “high-risk” as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and would like to be considered for possible volunteer duty, please reply back to with the following information:
Reserve Deputy Name:
Mobile Number:
Again, in this uncertain and challenging time we want to thank you for your service as a Reserve Deputy Sheriff and your willingness to serve your community.
Be safe and well.